Saturday, May 30, 2020

Updated Features Little Things

Updated Features â€" Little Things Hey folks, a quick post to let you know about a few things we enhanced. Nothing huge here but it all goes towards the polish JibberJobber and make it a better experience for you mission that were on. Heres a run-down: On the list panel and detail pages youll see a new icon for Google. If you click on that icon you will automatically launch a Google search. For example, if you are on a company page (American Express) and click on that icon youll open a new search on American Express. If you are on a contact page (William Arruda) youll open a new search for William Arruda. Super simple yet functional Hat-tip to Jobster for the cool idea. On the Interview Preparation area, we added some icons to add, edit and delete for better navigation. This was clunky before but now a lot easier to use. When you click on View for anything in Interview Prep youll see these icons and can manage your data easier. On the Add a Contact to my Network page, the initial contact date now has a link today next to it. If you click that link it will fill the box with todays date. This will save a few clicks. On the main page, while logged out, you can see the titles of the last three blog posts. No big deal but believe it or not, many JibberJobber users still dont know I have a blog :p On any of the detail pages (for contacts, companies or jobs), in the log area, some of the data had funky alignment. No big deal but its bugged me for a long time so I requested a change. Now it looks so much better and Im glad we did it. Specifically, we moved the dates and action item icons from middle aligned to top aligned looks more crisp When premium users imported a csv file to import new uses, and didnt put http:// in front of the URL, it actually wouldnt make it a hyperlink. We fixed this annoying bug. There was an opportunity to make a change to the security in the database. While it was fine we learned about some recommended enhancements you should not see any change but I wanted to let you know that we do take security very seriously and are constantly keeping our eyes open for ways to improve our infrastructure. Thats about it. After we finish a big project (hopefully this week) we are going to work on improving the importing for large files (if you have thousands of records to import it takes longer than it should), and developing a duplicate/merge function. Any other suggestions? Visit for information on Diversity in the workplace. Updated Features â€" Little Things Hey folks, a quick post to let you know about a few things we enhanced. Nothing huge here but it all goes towards the polish JibberJobber and make it a better experience for you mission that were on. Heres a run-down: On the list panel and detail pages youll see a new icon for Google. If you click on that icon you will automatically launch a Google search. For example, if you are on a company page (American Express) and click on that icon youll open a new search on American Express. If you are on a contact page (William Arruda) youll open a new search for William Arruda. Super simple yet functional Hat-tip to Jobster for the cool idea. On the Interview Preparation area, we added some icons to add, edit and delete for better navigation. This was clunky before but now a lot easier to use. When you click on View for anything in Interview Prep youll see these icons and can manage your data easier. On the Add a Contact to my Network page, the initial contact date now has a link today next to it. If you click that link it will fill the box with todays date. This will save a few clicks. On the main page, while logged out, you can see the titles of the last three blog posts. No big deal but believe it or not, many JibberJobber users still dont know I have a blog :p On any of the detail pages (for contacts, companies or jobs), in the log area, some of the data had funky alignment. No big deal but its bugged me for a long time so I requested a change. Now it looks so much better and Im glad we did it. Specifically, we moved the dates and action item icons from middle aligned to top aligned looks more crisp When premium users imported a csv file to import new uses, and didnt put http:// in front of the URL, it actually wouldnt make it a hyperlink. We fixed this annoying bug. There was an opportunity to make a change to the security in the database. While it was fine we learned about some recommended enhancements you should not see any change but I wanted to let you know that we do take security very seriously and are constantly keeping our eyes open for ways to improve our infrastructure. Thats about it. After we finish a big project (hopefully this week) we are going to work on improving the importing for large files (if you have thousands of records to import it takes longer than it should), and developing a duplicate/merge function. Any other suggestions? Visit for information on Diversity in the workplace.

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