Tuesday, May 19, 2020

17 Mood-Boosters to get You Through the Work Day!

17 Mood-Boosters to get You Through the Work Day! Wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Having a hard time getting through the day? Check out what these folks do to get happy while on the job: @BLKMGK01: My tired but happy trick works wonders for giving me extra energy.   That, and awesome people on Twitter! Keri D.: A bit of meditation and self-talk before starting the day helps me to see the glass half full. @ChicagoSinger: Taking a walk helps. @Sparks Fam: I dont get music at work so I sing in my head and thats always a mood booster cause Im in charge of the playlist! @RachelEsterline: I listen to music on Pandora.   If there are cookies leftover from meetings, I take one of those too. @Pizzazzerie Diet mountain dew, reading encouraging quotes, and chatting with my favorite coworkers get me through the 8 to 5. Lauren N.: I take short Twitter breaks to read an inspiring or mentally-stimulating blog post or even just to check in with friends! Mini-opportunities to learn and network, if you will. ?? @tmcantwell Music and a kind word or joke. Kristen C.: A few minutes of meditation and a little office yoga stretches definitely helps get some positive energy going. ?? Megan Cassidy: A really good apple or other healthy snack. Aimee G.: I try to never eat my lunch at my desk. I take my lunch break outside in the sun and read a magazine or a book. @MsCareerGirl: Chocolate!   A chocolate chip cookie from Starbucks and a mocha is becoming my afternoon ritual.   A waste of calories and money, but SO enjoyable! @Robpitingolo strong coffee. @SJOgborn definitely MUSIC! any kind! @jill_pr I keep an email file of kudos Ive received and look back over them when I feel defeated. @JPedde Twitter! Michelle C. I email my best friend when Im feeling blah at work.   She either makes me laugh or puts things back into perspective right away! What do YOU do to get through a tough day at the office?

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